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No self/link posts that constitute advertising: no crowdfunding, coupons, referral programs, self affiliated business, event, or service promoting. Promo codes, giveaways, and paid/unpaid studies are also considered advertisement. Habitually linking to one personal blog, digital art portfolio, social media outposts, and text based promotional content is discouraged. To get to the Lakers practice gym, you have to head outside and walk down the side of the building to an inconspicuous door that leads to a hallway and the gym. The only hint that some big name NBA stars are present is the row of luxury cars lined up outside. The gym is functional, cheap jerseys if unspectacular, although there is an impressive row of retired jerseys lined up on one wall, including those of former Lakers greats Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Elgin Baylor, Magic Johnson and James Worthy. wholesale jerseys from china "There is no good justification for the police to deploy a SWAT team. For this kind of situat...